Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sorry About The Eggplant


High time I posted something, right?

I'm doing well, still very much pregnant but not much in the way of a blogger. I just haven't been up for the marathon cooking sessions that drive this little website of mine.

Actually, I haven't been much of a cook at all. This pregnancy has taken food aversions to a whole new level for me. It is funny actually, as for the better part of my last pregnancy I felt as though I could run down and slaughter a taco truck like a lion on the Serengeti.

Total carnage.

This time however, for some reason I can't stand food. Particularly sweet things. Rather unfortunate for a sweet-centered food blogger such as myself, right? Real food has also been 'off the table' as glistening raw meat, slimy butter, earthy smelling vegetables have taken on a new and wholly repulsive characteristics. Coupled with the exhaustion of early pregnancy I gave up all cooking for quite a while. Months without dirtying a dish (that part was absolutely fantastic!).

My blogging stockpile of fresh ingredients: fruits, eggs, butter, cream and the ever-present 5lb tub of mascarpone, went to waste as I found myself preferring to scavenge around my pantry, eating croutons and boiled split peas.

Mr. Humble however, took issue with my nourishing myself and the humble fetus with croutons (mind boggling!) and insisted I find something, anything, more nutritious. So I went to the store, feeling the full weight of what was to be done...

I filled my shopping cart with the tasteless, easy to prepare, microwaveable food. A cart full of cardboard boxes and completely devoid of even one fresh ingredient. It was a low moment, one to be repeated over and over in the coming weeks.

Honestly, I would have had an easier time making eye contact with the clerk during checkout had I selected the unfortunate combination of dubiously-shaped fruits and vegetables and a jumbo tub of Vaseline.


This wasn't even food blogger rock bottom. It was when I found myself eating that thing, the object I've treated as my foodie punching bag on this blog, that I realized I could indeed sink much lower.

In my quest for bland food, something that would prove a suitable vehicle for calories in my nausea prone state, I ate a Hot Pocket. Not just any Hot Pocket, a vegetarian LEAN pocket. An object further corrupted by the lack of necessary fats to render the crust penetrable or edible.

Had Mr. Humble seen me in my moment of foodie shame, I probably would have hissed and scurried away like a pregnant-gollum, clutching my cardboard-y food-nugget.

That's basically been the last couple months. Sleepy, nauseous, excited. Eating some absolute garbage. I've had plenty of time to think up new ideas for the blog, but lacked the initiative or stamina to execute them. Now that I'm comfortably into my second trimester, the nausea and fatigue is easing up and I'm hoping that I can work my way back into the kitchen.

At the very least, tomorrow I will have finished collecting all the science cookies everyone has sent me and get the next roundup posted. It is long overdue. I'm also moderating the comments that have been sitting here and languishing on the blog. I completely forgot about switching on the moderation on several weeks ago to stop a particularly vicious spam attack. I'm switching the moderation back off and sorting through the backlog and will get around the answering any questions contained within very soon.
Ms. H


  1. i JUST found myself wondering where the heck you've been yesterday. Glad you're alive and somewhat well. We'll be here when you come out of the nausea funk.

  2. SO GLAD you're back, if even only partially, and OKAY. Been praying for you. With these kind of food aversions, be prepared for a boy. Mine caused all kinds of aversions in utero that his sister never caused! Hmmm...

  3. I imagine I'll be just like you when I'm pregnant some day!

  4. Glad to hear you're feeling better, I have been missing your blog posts. I can empathize, in my first trimester I could only eat canned ravioli and lemon lime pop. Blek.

  5. So excited to see you post anything, even if it isn't a recipe. You've been missed!

    Wishing that the second trimester sees the end of your babies denial of all that is good and right and wonderful in the food world!

    Until then, eat the Hot Pocket. A girls gotta do, what a girls gotta do!

  6. Good to know that even Ms. H eats "easy" food when she has to! Welcome back, and take it easy. Sit by a nice fireplace while the rain pounds down outside...

  7. I've been wondering where you've been, as somehow I completely missed your last post about you being pregnant. Congratulations! Oh, how that food aversion brings back memories. Back to when I ate honey-nut Chex mix and tic-tacs for 9 months. Hope this passing quickly.

  8. No need to apologise. The eggplant made my day.

  9. I was there just a few months ago. There is no shame in taking a break and eating crap. My craving this pregnancy was cheese.
    Now that I am in my final month of pregnancy, I have found that my form of nesting is baking. I will have to go into your archives to look for some great recipes that require minimal standing on my feet.

    Good luck with your bun in the oven.

  10. i sooo understand what you are going through! i had been a vegetarian for 18 years when i first became pregnant. you can imagine how horrified i was at having mcdonald hamburger cravings which i gave into instantly. i was vomitous for 9 months and all i could eat were those damn hamburgers. you have to go with what works!

  11. Ah, no way! I totally hadn't realised that you're at exactly the same place as I am! I've actually got a "I've been the chunder-fairy" post ready to publish on my own blog that has been neglected for weeks :) Hope we both start feeling better soon! I'm craving all sorts of things from back home in the UK that I can't get my hands on out here in California. Like a really bloody good sausage roll and some fish and chip shop chips. Mmmmmm.

  12. Reminds me of my consistent diet of apple juice and peppermints for 5 months when pregnant with my son. Hot Pockets (even Lean ones) are better than that. Congrats and good luck.

  13. Glad you're doing well, I miss your posts! Hopefully the food induced nausea will pass and you can go back to eating perishables again soon!

  14. While I did eat the dreaded hot pocket, I've actually been sustaining myself on Laughing Cow cheese wedges and salt and vinegar potato chips.

    Vinegar is suddenly the best thing EVER.

    I'm starting to take after a woman I worked with, she would pour warm vinegar over cheerios when she was pregnant. Crazy right?


    You know, everyone says that I'm going to have a boy. We haven't found out yet (despite a handful of ultrasounds) but we may finally know on the third.

  15. I'm adding the "lack of baking" to my list of reasons to remember to take my birth control! That one should work well.

  16. Glad you're back! =] Have a happy 2nd trimester!

  17. Sounds rough! No sugar?! Oh dear...anyhow glad to hear from you! Hope everything works out and you wake up one morning craving something delicious and blog it to us :)

  18. So glad you're back! I'd been getting a bit worried...
    Hot pockets vs vegetable and vaseline. Never thought I'd see the day!

  19. My husband and I were just wondering how you're doing. Glad to hear you're (mostly) healthy and doing well. :) Congrats on making it through the first trimester!!

  20. Hehe - was it a broccoli and cheese lean pocket? Because that's what I had for dinner, and I'm not even preggers.

    Your first was a girl, iirc, so I'd like to place my bet right now that you're having a boy this time. :)

  21. Haha, I'm four months right now, and have mainly been surviving on Kraft cheese slices and Heinz salad cream.

  22. just so happy to see your post…been clicking on every day…several times a day…happy to be here with you…how ever you are feeling…

    & when you are feeling able & energized we will look forward to your "creations"…but please do not put any undue burden or pressure on yourself…:)

  23. Missed you! And happy to hear you're on the way up...the first part of pregnancy is *so* hard! :)

  24. This was such a delightful read. Best wishes to you and your family Ms.

  25. Good to hear you're feeling better! :) Can't wait for the science cookie round-up!

  26. Your diet perfectly matches mine the year I studied in England. Although my excuse was a shared and filthy kitchen. Back then I hadn't discovered my love of cooking yet, though, so the shame came over me years later. What the *hell* had I been subjecting my body to that year? But the sad thing is, I would probably do it again. That kitchen was *nasty*. :-|

    If you want a bland, healthy recipe that probably doesn't smell strongly (admission: I'm anosmic, but it seems logical based on the ingredients), how about this crispbread:

    3.5 dl (1.5 cup (ish)) each of oats and wholemeal rye flour
    1.5 dl (a bit more than 0.5 cup) each of linseed, sunflower seed and sesame seed.
    1 dl (almost 0.5 cup) wheat bran
    7 dl (3 cups) water

    Mix. Spread thinly thinly thinly on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Oven: 180C (350F) for 10 minutes, take it out and cut a # pattern to the size you want them with a pizza cutter or blunt knife, return to oven for 30 minutes or until completely dry.

    Whew, thank you, Google converter. And I only just realised that you've mentioned using metric cook books here before. Ah well. Hope you feel better, and hungrier, soon. I've heard these "pregnancy" things don't usually last forever. :)

  27. Here you are!! I thought about you just yesterday and came back to your blog just to check how you were doing!
    I'm pregnant too, I found out just a couple of days after your last post and I can totally relate to the complete lack of will to cook anything whatsoever. And I fortunately don't feel nauseous!!
    We'll all be waiting for your posts but don't you blame yourself if you just can't get around it!

  28. My gosh - that sounds awful. Here's to a better next trimester with some better tasting food :-)

  29. So glad that you are feeling better and to have you back. Truly missed reading and drooling over your posts! Still take it easy when needed. Looking forward to the science cookie posts. I purchased the science cookie cutters and will be making them over the weekend for my science staff.

  30. I had the exact same problems my first trimester, ...I think I ate my own weight in baked potatoes and grapefruit. Just wanted to let you know, my ability to stomach sweets came back in the second trimester. I still don't crave like I used to, but I've been eating my fair share of Christmas cookies between the oven and the freezer.

  31. Glad to know you and Baby Pie are doing ok, if not flourishing. I'm glad Mr. Humble is looking out for you!

  32. Just had eggplant, myself. Sliced the peel off thinly, sliced the veggie into thin slices, (dry) grilled them for a couple of minutes on each side (covered), and out comes something tasty, but not strong. Can be eaten as a side dish, with a little bit of fresh extra virgin olive oil, salt and herbs to taste, or can be sliced, and added to a simmering fresh tomato sauce for pasta. Very flexible.

  33. glad to hear from you, we were worried!

  34. Yay! You're back!! Glad you're OK (barring the Hot Pocket incident, which no one can fault you for, in your state. :o)

  35. Oh, you have my greatest sympathies; I was nauseous for 8 of the 9 months (weirdly, it was month 5 that I felt slightly better) and by the end I was positive that I would never feel well again. I just figured that was my new state of being. And then I cried at the thought of it. An hour after my daughter was born, though, I was scarfing a mushroom, sausage and green chili pizza. Wanting to eat food again was heaven!

    And as for posting, I read you on a feed reader, so whenever you show up and post, I'll be here to read it. (Also, you had such an insanely productive posting schedule before, I bet most of us are willing to cut you a little slack.)

    Take care.

  36. Welcome back! My wife craved salt and vinegar potato chips and poured vinegar on almost everything with both our boys. So, my guess is that Little Humble is going to have a little brother.

  37. I felt the same way during 3 pregnancies. . . it will get so much better once the baby's here. I feel your pain though. . .

  38. Sounds like a boy to me as well! You know, boys and their junk food cravings.
    Anyway, glad you are feeling better and hurray for me to follow your blog once again. You know after reading your last post I was seriously considering to avoid pregnancy as long as I could just because of my love of baking!
    Oh yeah, I made your tiramisu truffles last night. They were so good!

  39. Laughing Cow? My kids go to school with the heirs to the cheese giant! Glad you are back. Your absence gave me a chance to read through older posts and try recipes I hadn't seen before.

  40. You've been missed indeed! Hope to see you back into teh swing of things once another Little Humble joins the Humble family :) More inspiration to cook and create sweet amazing things, right!

  41. Hurrah!!! Glad to hear the pregnancy's going well. Been worried about you! and missing your food...but mainly worried that something had happened!

    Good luck with getting back into your baking groove but thank you for updating :)
    Off to go look at the science cookies now...

  42. I'm with you. I'm due June 1st and I miss cooking so much. 2nd trimester is a bit better though :-)

    Sugar leaves a very strange metallic taste in my mouth now. Very strange. I still like to eat it sometimes, but I have to brush immediately afterwards or live with the awful taste. I work at a grocery store and it's all cookies and cake right now and I'm craving savory.

  43. So glad you're okay, Ms Humble.
    My bakery geek friends and I had started to worry!

    good luck with the nausea, and hope you and the Humble family keep going okay.

  44. Ah, I am just out of my first trimester, so I know what you are talking about, for sure. All I wanted was pineapple and cottage cheese. And sweet pickles. I don't even like sweet pickles that much.

    Hope you start feeling better soon! Oh, and are you reading Hyperbole and a Half? Your drawing reminded me of her stuff. Hilarious!

  45. I wish I could draw like hyperbole at a half, that lady has some true talent for expressing pure crazy.

  46. Congrats on the new baby and I hope you feel better soon! Don't worry too much about blogging new stuff. I've been re-reading your blogs and I still get the same excitement feeling of learning new sweet stuff. THank you. You are truly a master of dessert!

  47. Nods to both the humble family and hyperbole and a half, both of the writers are fantastic and always make me laugh- this one adds in some delicious mouth sweltering. So glad that you are doing well.


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